This Thing Called SCAM

You see this thing called scam ehh, it stems from little, just like a tree then grows into a forest. I run a business concurrently with my 9-5 job, let's just say it is a side hustle since 2018. The kind of energy I put into the whole thing is draining sometimes. I took the pains to go to CAC in Abuja myself to register the business. Singlehandedly built a website for same business (I'm no Web developer but I did it). Meanwhile, my business page BeYOUnique Empire is verified on Google. Like, I have the blue tick to my business name on Google. I had to give this background for you to understand how serious I took this business. My schedule could get too busy but I try as much not to let any part suffer. I think I deserve accolades and I'm tend to lose it when anyone feels otherwise. So, sometime last year, a lady came to me, made enquiries and in my bid to please this potential customer, I subsidised the delivery rate for her and I made her understand that. I was...