This Thing Called SCAM

You see this thing called scam ehh, it stems from little, just like a tree then grows into a forest. I run a business concurrently with my 9-5 job, let's just say it is a side hustle since 2018. The kind of energy I put into the whole thing is draining sometimes. I took the pains to go to CAC in Abuja myself to register the business. Singlehandedly built a website for same business (I'm no Web developer but I did it). Meanwhile, my business page BeYOUnique Empire is verified on Google.

Like, I have the blue tick to my business name on Google.
I had to give this background for you to understand how serious I took this business. My schedule could get too busy  but I try as much not to let any part suffer. I think I deserve accolades and I'm tend to lose it when anyone feels otherwise.

So, sometime last year, a lady came to me, made enquiries and in my bid to please this potential customer, I subsidised the delivery rate for her and I made her understand that.

I was shocked one morning to wake up to a comment where the yeyebrity was saying that I was scam. Sca gini? On whose page? I lost my guard and replied her comments, something I wouldn't have done on a normal day, but she pushed me to the wall. How did I scam her or what exactly gave her that morale to voice out such, you may wonder. Okay, let me take it one at a time, she saw where I had replied someone's comment asking for price, I told her EXACTLY same price like I did the other scam hustler via DM.

From nowhere the scam hustler now replied '... ehen, she told me N4000 and now told you N3000, so this is scam.' I actually paraphrased. Like I said earlier, I replied, but I didn't end it there. I broke into her DM like a hungry lion and gave her the warning of her life. All these happened in August 2019. Then almost one year later when her batch of customers have hailed me and are now enjoying value for their money, this slayqueen came again and I was extremely wary of our chats because that my warning message stared me rudely to the face. She asked for account details and proceeded to ask whether I would send it when she shows me debit alert. I told her of my policy to always confirm alerts before anything else, the self-acclaimed smart thief sent one debit alert, apparently doctored and sent her delivery details. This Hushpuppi's Intern is still a 'pup' , the 'ppi' is doing press up at the bank. I told her to expect her package the next day. In my mind, this one really doesn't understand the basics of smartness. It's been 4 days and her money is still hanging in the shrine of her village people, perhaps in the same pot where they encaged her smartness and shame hasn't let her say a word of it to me anymore.

This is just a heads up to vendors both online and offline, please be smart, customers scam vendors too. I've heard about fake alerts from a couple of vendors and it is not funny.

Lesson: Ahia onye na azu ka oma anya ya. Which is translated as 'one is well grounded in a trade s/he does'. She screamed scam when there was absolutely no reason to, then she turned around to be the one trying to execute the scam, albeit on a wrong person.


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