July 1st Musings: The Second Half - A Lessons From The Super Eagles

Last month was all kinds of eventful - we saw the good, the bad and the very ugly happen right under our noses.
We have cried, we have cursed out, so it is time to step into a different phase.

It's the second half of the year already?

Have you achieved half of all you set out to achieve this year?

I learnt something about the second half and the summary is that the ending part of a thing is usually better than its beginning. You may wonder why.

The reason is not far-fetched. The second half is like a second chance. A time to correct all the flops you had during the first half.

If you are an ardent follower of the World Cup 2018, you must have observed that players always did better in their second half than in the first.

Do you know why? Apparently, they go back to restrategize and then come to implement those strategies.

It is only one who is stiff-necked about corrections that will fail to get it right in the second half.

So, guys, it's July 1st already.

Go back to the drawing board, check out those things you set to achieve that you are not half as close to achieving them.

You could have made an attempt towards achieving those things but now, you have all the time to review your attempt and get it right this time.

You have all it takes to be better, you only need a little push and discipline to get everything right.


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