If You Don't Avoid These 10 Things You Might Regret Them In The Next Ten Years

Okay, so this is not written to make you feel bad in any way. Rather it is meant to help you re-evaluate your life and do better.
Yeah, we all know that life is not a box of chocolates. We might have regrets once in a while, but this should serve as a heads up to help you have lesser regrets than you would have had if this article didn't come your way.
So here are some things you should pay a serious mind to while you go about your daily activities:
1. Letting meaningful goals slide: A lot of people have goals which they hope to achieve before a certain age, but sometimes, the stress of life makes it look impossible. Your dreams are valid. Act upon them.
2. Allowing others create your dreams for you: That to me is low self-esteem playing out. Create your own dreams. 
3.  Not expressing your feelings: Say it how you feel it despite whose ox is gored. Feelings left unexpressed would be a burden sometime in the future when you think of the yore. Are you sad? Are you excited? Are you anxious? Are you depressed? Do you love someone? Say it all out.
4. Working too hard: This doesn't mean you should not work hard though. Work hard and play even harder. That is called working smart. Being too preoccupied with your work and not working on maintaining your relationships with your friends and family can make you feel empty inside years later. Spend time with the right people that will push you when you have zero zeal.
5. Not keeping in touch with close friends: Friends especially the genuine ones will stand by you through thick and thin. You should endeavour you keep in touch with close friends no matter how busy or tight your schedule is. 
6. Worrying too much about what people think about you: Pay no mind because people must definitely talk. The least you can do for yourself is to shatter ceilings and give them more things to talk about. It will be disappointing if all they talk about you are useless stuff. 
7. Making hasty decisions: Avoid allowing pressure make you take decisions that you did not think through. That might be a serious regret much later. 
8. Being unhappy: Your challenges are not the worst seen yet. There are people with a plethora of stuff going on in their lives but somehow they manage to pull through. Do not allow your problems weigh you down and begin to show on your face. That will make you look scary. Happiness is a positive habit and not only does it make you look approachable, it makes you healthy. 
9. Being careless with your health: Desist from living carelessly. Avoid deliberate habits that might pose some danger to your health. Go for general body checks once in a while to be sure all is well with your health. Majority of terminal sicknesses would not have killed their victims fast if they had detected them earlier.
10. Taking life for granted: A purposeful life is the best life, anyone can live. Live every day with the mindset that life is a miracle and a gift. Be thankful to God or whatever you believe in for every day. 
Now that you know this, why not make efforts to become a better version of yourself? You know what they say about one's biggest enemy being the person s/he sees in the mirror everyday right?


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