It Hurt The First Time But So Far So Good...

2018 has been all shades of awesome, although there have been ups and downs at some point but I simply picked myself up, dusted and moved on.

But let me just focus on my firsts so far.

I have had quite a handful of things which I did for the first time and I would admit it was an all-time amazing in my career walk.

I conducted Vox Pops on the streets for the very first time. Actually, It was not supposed to be part of my job roles, but my curiosity and quest to try out new things and challenge myself pushed me into adding it as part of my roles.

You won't believe what pushed me into trying it but I will tell you - I had admired people who did that from afar and somewhere deep down within me, I had longed for an opportunity to do same.

So when the opportunity came on a platter of gold, I grabbed it and thank goodness my boss is the kind of person that gives people the chance to explore their deepest potentials.

I remember he once told us to see the office as a training school where we train to become the best versions of ourselves.

Also, I acted for the very first time. It was discouraging at first when my boss kept telling me that I was not presenting myself before the camera as a professional.

I got somewhat discouraged when he told me that I looked at the camera like 'mumu', but he gave me time to improve myself and even offered me some useful tips, like ...'watch videos, read, practice before your mirror and before you know it, you will be surprised at your performance.'

If there is one thing about me, I am not one who gives up so easily on self. I love to challenge myself and sometimes outdo myself because I have this 'I can do it' mindset.

But there was a major challenge, I barely had time to develop myself. I can't boast of successfully finishing a book since the year began. But I eventually learnt.

At my next attempt at acting, my colleague said 'you are overacting' and I was like, 'What a time to be alive!' This minute I couldn't act and the next minute I was being cautioned for 'Over' doing what I prior wasn't able to do so well.

Boom! I leveraged on those words and that was it.

I have received so many accolades for one of the videos that I was tempted to think that people were just overhyping it. Despite the accolades, I still see myself as a learner because that way, I will improve much more than anyone can imagine.

If you know me very well, you will know how inquisitive I am and it is even one of my hobbies to try something new.

I even drank 'nunu' (fresh cow milk) for the very first time during one of our outings. This was how it happened, I spoke to Baba in his local language to give me some fresh milk and he said ah-ah (meaning he wouldn't give me). Hehehehe... Baba is not yet serious, I said to myself in my usual sarcastic state and then focused on 'minding my business'.

Moments later, baba came with a bowl full of nunu and handed it over to me with a big smile and I screamed and then began to scoop the stuff down my curious throat. It tasted really nice, just like yoghurt.

So you see why I get easily excited when I get an opportunity presented to me to try out something new and get discouraged when I get negative feedbacks?

Okay, Let me just confess that I quit a job some time ago because a colleague saw a chat of our boss with another colleague referring to us as 'Lazy'.

La.. what?? Who? I was like, No way! This isn't the place for me to be because the last adjective to qualify me with is lazy. I am not lazy, never have been (Oh well, perhaps my siblings must have seen me as lazy those days I slept way too much).

But you see, I am one woman out of a plethora who thinks and acts like a man. My mum sometimes thought I would have been better off as a man.

Okay, I diverted a little. Back to the main story.

So I have had a couple more firsts. Lest I forget, I went bowling for the first time also and to say I had fun would be putting it mildly.

I almost forgot the part where I finally summoned the courage and launched my blog after several years of pondering and self-discouragements. The rate at which I improved in just two months is "Ah..mazing".

When I realized I had ranked about 10, 000 above my former place of work, I simply took myself out on a fish treat (I mean I work too hard, I deserve all the pampering).

Well, I look forward to more firsts. It might hurt the first time but when you get it right, you will enjoy it all the way.

So I guess it will be safe to now add Actress to my portfolio yet. Indeed so far so good.


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