Take Off The Mask And Be Yourself!

Everyone has a demon they fight in the course of trying to make it through life.
However, some people choose to mask up and rather die in silence. You know why?  Because they are scared of what people would say about them.

You are broke but act rich because you don't want people to know you are really short of money and probably make a jest of you.

Wait! Has it ever occurred to you that you might be scaring away potential helpers because of the facade you have built around you?

Oh! You never really thought of that. Why try to impress people when you can live your life and make every step worth the while.

I'm not suggesting that you should get a loud speaker and announce your issues. No way! It has almost never ended in praise especially in an era where social media has become the order of the day.

During the days of our parents, a problem shared is half-solved (I'm not sure though), but these days, a problem shared is a subject of immediate discussion provided the "discussees' and "discussers" are readily available to dissect the issue.

I perfectly understand why people mask up, but could you please live your life not minding whose ox is gored?

Could you take off the mask and live?
In the end, everybody has their lives to live and of course stories make living interesting.

Take off the mask darling. Don't mind what the society would say, remember it all ends in 6ft. Funny enough, some people's graves don't even measure up to 6ft.

Live the moment darling, LIVE!

Meanwhile, I took some really beautiful pictures in my quest to live. Sorry, ain't gonna share them here😀. Nah! Go and take yours and be happy.



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