My Story: Who Is Chidinma Unigwe?

Who you?

Lol. This witicism hasn't ceased from making me laugh since I stumbled upon that hilarious video.

I intentionally wrote that because I have a feeling that if you were brave enough to have clicked this, you are most likely in for a drama-laden piece.

So welcome...

Let's talk about me, highlighting key things you deserve to know about me.

It became imperative to write this at this time not to praise myself for any feat(s) attained or exonerate myself from anything, but rather, to ramble on about the nothingness of my being.

Usually, my pink factor is being funny but behind those funny acts is a very compassionate soul. I can't begin to list what I have and haven't done to show compassion though. I am very emotional by the way. Little things make me cry. My tears ducts are very close to my cheeks to let the salty  waters flow freely. Only close acquaintances know this. 

I am an unapologetic nwa afo Igbo and was named Chidinma and Chisom without any English name for a reason. The former means - 'God is Good' while the later is 'God is with me'. 

With this as my reality, I wouldn't say I have at any point lost track sorely that I lost myself in between. I have made some mistakes in this journey of life, but my ability to realize my mistakes early and retrace has always been an outstanding trait.

I guess this would also serve as an answer to those sweethearts of mine who are always about 'can you tell me more about you..." and similar questions. I hope I didn't sound arrogant here. The thing is, I can't even decipher the tone of this thing I am writing right here, just know that it came as an inspiration around 1:30am of April 14th, 2020 during the Coronavirus lockdown. Please bear with me if the tone isn't lockdown-compliant.

Ehen... people who know this Chidinma Chisom very well can attest to the fact that she is a stubborn child. The stubbornness didn't start lately, I suppose it is an innate trait. I reserve the rights to be proud of it still even though you might feel otherwise.

Growing up, I lived in denial of this unique trait because it felt like I was a rebel. I fought my way through, to defend myself, like every minute, I was always on the defensive because this life no balance at all if you no wise.

I remember vividly my encounter on a fateful day with one papiwater, a boy fair like an overripe plantain inside hot oil and begging for mercy under the scorching Nigerian sun. 

On that day, I  was on my way running  an errand for my dad and going through that lonely path was compulsory.

His mission is still a strong mystery till date but the ferocity with which this guy pushed me down along a lonely bush path is still clearer than Crystal in my memory.

I hate intimidation of any sort, whether meted out on me or anyone close to me. No way you would get away with it!

However, just like the axiom of we not allowing our backgrounds to leave our backs on the ground, I stood up almost immediately and beat the boy up and ran away. Remember what they say about he who fights and runs living to fight another day yeah? Yes o! I took to my heels. In fact, I vanished because I didn't know the boy's plan and I wasn't ready to even find out at that crucial moment. All die na die but I no wan die that kain die abeg. This is someone I didn't even know so well, just one of those kids on the block.

You may be wondering the relevance of this story, wonder no more because me self I have no idea. Perhaps, it's just to give a sneak peek into my brand of stubbornness and how it helped me as a kid.


Chidinma Chisom is talkative in nature and is one of those girls who hardly gives a care about gossips. That I talk too much doesn't mean I engage in malicious gossips. I could make fun of anything nay anyone just to make light of serious situations because I actually feel good seeing people laugh. I am also perfect at mimicking people and I love it when it makes people laugh. I hate gloom and everything that has to do with it. That is why I am quick to detach from anything that would rob me off my happiness.

And the laughter part? Oh! My goodness. I should have been a hyena or a hyenana according to one woke human being.

Sometime last year or so, I was in an all-female group. I was even an admin, what a feat. Lol. Wait!! I think I'm still in the group by the way. I was a chief noise maker therein. Lmao😂. But that stopped when some supposedly mature people among us started acting up and complaining incessantly. I detached patapata and advised my co-noisemakers to do same also. I can't remember what exactly happened afterwards but I knew the group somehow got divided and there was this foul air hanging around more like the APC/PDP kind of brouhaha. Being my observant and super sensitive self, I knew that something was amiss. The negative energy was so apparent. The height was when one of the girls who deemed herself the leader or secretary of the opposition party flew to Facebook to unfriend me. It took me days to realize actually (or so I thought) and guess what? As soon as I sensed the negative energy, I blocked her and her cohorts who exuded similar energy and had my peace intact till date. I'm not cut out for asiri umu nwanyi, I don't even have a single energy for that. I'm of the school of thought that, if you have an enemy, enjoy the enmity alone and stop recruiting others to inherit your enemy sha. I am readily available to yank off anyone forming 'enemy recruit' from my space. Mind you, I don't like to keep enemies but everyone mustn't be my friend. I never inherit better thing na enemy I wan inherit for this small life. Odiegwu really!

Let me re-echo the part where I talked about my unserioisness. I joke with virtually everything. It pisses some people off and makes some happy while a whole lot of others might be indifferent about it. I remember sometime ago, a friend of mine called and sounded worried that I might be using jokes to scare away suitors and even remain oblivious of what I was doing. I laughed my head off sha.

Honestly, I feel that this is a bad attitude which I might need to change as I have been misunderstood a couple of times and nor be say I be comedian self

To make this already long-read shorter, Chidinma Chisom is a personable fellow, who can't be bothered, not like I'm every Tom, Dick and Harry's playmate though, but if I ever like you and choose to add you to my little circle, honestly you go tire, all my friends can testify and somehow, I have just few friends and they are mostly as silly as I am, hence we can't even help ourselves in this quest to become serious with life. I play too much. The fact that I took out time to write this should tell you alot.

Let's assume this to be mostly about the negative part of my story. I should conjure up the positives sometime to balance it up.

In the end, I am still the only Small Girl With Big Eyes abridged to #SGWBE.

Now that you have known some things about me... WHO YOU?


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