Feminism: Is Gender Equality Even Possible?

Feminism has become a household word in today’s world because of growing concerns about the inequality that lingers across genders. We live in a society where a gender(male) is seen superior to the other (female), perhaps because they have the tendencies of growing muscles and beards. But women also have tendencies of growing their own stuff you know. For the benefit of those who are oblivious of the meaning of the overly used word, it “the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes”. The subject of feminism and all it entails usually irks sexists because it preaches contradicting trends to what they stand for. Personally, I think feminism is something that is worth discussing for days, sadly, a lot of people even the so-called feminists are even confused and usually throw caution to the wind so they wouldn’t be painted in a bad light especially in this clime where such people are branded ‘evil’ and all sorts. In fact, there is even Feminism Li...